ARK: Survival Evolved Wiki
Nie podano opisu zmian
Nie podano opisu zmian
(Nie pokazano 9 pośrednich wersji utworzonych przez tego samego użytkownika)
Linia 3: Linia 3:
["item"] = "Przedmiot",
["item"] = "Przedmiot",
["items"] = "Przedmioty",
["items"] = "Przedmioty",
["weapon"] = "Broń",
["weapons"] = "Broń",
["stacksizecomment"] = "Rozmiary stosów mogą być zmienione w konfiguracji.",
["stacksizecomment"] = "Rozmiary stosów mogą być zmienione w konfiguracji.",
["stacksize"] = "Rozmiar stosu",
["stacksize"] = "Rozmiar stosu",
Linia 41: Linia 43:
["cat:foundinbeacon-yellow"] = "Kategoria:W żółtych zrzutach",
["cat:foundinbeacon-yellow"] = "Kategoria:W żółtych zrzutach",
["cat:foundinbeacon-red"] = "Kategoria:W czerwonych zrzutach",
["cat:foundinbeacon-red"] = "Kategoria:W czerwonych zrzutach",
-- Weapons
["ammofor"] = "Ammo for",
["ammoused"] = "Ammo used",
["meleedamage"] = "Melee damage",
["rangeddamage"] = "Ranged damage",
["explosivedamage"] = "Explosive damage",
["basedamagenote"] = "This is the base damage, but due to the way damage is calculated, not everything will receive this exact amount.",
["rateoffire"] = "Rate of fire",
["rateoffire-short"] = "RPS",
["rateoffire-wikipedia"] = "wikipedia:Rate of fire",
["magazinesize"] = "Magazine size",
["reloadtime"] = "Reload time",
["damagepersecond-wikipedia"] = "wikipedia:Damage_per_second",
["damagepersecond-short"] = "DPS",
["second"] = "second",
["seconds"] = "seconds",
-- Consumables
-- Consumables
Linia 75: Linia 94:
["diet"] = "Diet",
["diet"] = "Diet",
["temperament"] = "Temperament",
["temperament"] = "Temperament",
["docile"] = "Docile",
["cowardly"] = "Cowardly",
["curious"] = "Curious",
["loyal"] = "Loyal",
["evasive"] = "Evasive",
["evasiveaggressiveattacked"] = "Evasive, Aggressive when attacked",
["opportunistic"] = "Opportunistic",
["aggressive"] = "Aggressive",
["highlyaggressive"] = "Highly Aggressive",
["patchnotes"] = "Patch Notes",
["patchnotes"] = "Patch Notes",
["notyetreleased"] = "Not Yet Released",
["notyetreleased"] = "Not Yet Released",
Linia 127: Linia 155:
["gestationtime"] = "[[Breeding#Pregnancy|Gestation]] Time",
["gestationtime"] = "[[Breeding#Pregnancy|Gestation]] Time",
["incubationtime"] = "[[Breeding#Incubation|Incubation]] Time",
["incubationtime"] = "[[Breeding#Incubation|Incubation]] Time",
["cat:incubation"] = "Category:Incubation",
["cat:incubation"] = "Category:Incubation",
["cat:gestation"] = "Category:Gestation",
["cat:gestation"] = "Category:Gestation",
["reproduction"] = "Reproduction",
["reproduction"] = "Reproduction",
["breeding"] = "Breeding",
["breeding"] = "Breeding",
["cat:creatureslayingeggs"] = "Category:Creatures that lay eggs",
["cat:creatureslayingeggs"] = "Category:Creatures that lay eggs",
["cat:tameablecreatures"] = "Category:Tameable creatures",
["cat:tameablecreatures"] = "Category:Tameable creatures",
["cat:rideablecreatures"] = "Category:Rideable creatures",
["cat:untameablecreatures"] = "Category:Untameable creatures",
["cat:breedablecreatures"] = "Category:Breedable creatures",
["cat:rideablecreatures"] = "Category:Rideable creatures",
["cat:creaturescarryablebyhumans"] = "Category:Creatures that can be carried by humans",
["cat:rideableswimmingcreatures"] = "Category:Rideable swimming creatures",
["humanscancarry"] = "Humans Can Carry",
["cat:rideableflyingcreatures"] = "Category:Rideable flying creatures",
["temperament"] = "Temperament",
["cat:breedablecreatures"] = "Category:Breedable creatures",
["temperament"] = "Temperament",
["cat:unbreedablecreatures"] = "Category:Unbreedable creatures",
["cat:creaturescarryablebyhumans"] = "Category:Creatures that can be carried by humans",
["temperament"] = "Temperament",
["temperament"] = "Temperament",
["humanscancarry"] = "Humans Can Carry",
["temperament"] = "Temperament",
["uniqueskins"] = "Unique [[:Category:Skins|Skins]]",
["temperament"] = "Temperament",
["riderweaponry"] = "Rider Weaponry",
["temperament"] = "Temperament",
["cat:riderweaponry"] = "Category:Creatures that can be ridden while wielding weapons",
["cat:creaturescarryablebyhumans"] = "Category:Creatures that can be carried by humans",
["cat:shouldermountedcreatures"] = "Category:Creatures that can be shoulder-mounted",
["shouldermounted"] = "Shoulder-Mounted",
["data"] = "Data",
["xpforkill"] = "XP For Kill",
["experience"] = "Experience",
["xp"] = "XP",
["drops"] = "Drops",
["fecessize"] = "[[Feces]] Size",
["radiationimmune"] = "Radiation Immune",
["cat:radiationimmunecreatures"] = "Category:Creatures that are immune to radiation",
["xpforkillnote"] = "Base experience given when hitting the final blow on a level 1 creature while on foot.",
["speciallootchance"] = "Special Loot Chance",
["speciallootchancenote"] = "Chance to have items within its inventory when killed. This can be a simple trophy or valuable gear depending on the creature.",
["immobilizedby"] = "Immobilized By",
["listofcreaturesimmobilizedbytraps"] = "List of Creatures Immobilized by Traps",
["carryableby"] = "Carryable By",
["listofcarryablecreatures"] = "List of Carryable Creatures",
["candamage"] = "Can Damage",
["listofcreaturesthatcandamagestructures"] = "List of Creatures That Can Damage Structures",
["cat:torporimmunecreatures"] = "Category:Creatures that are immune to torpor",
["cat:creatureswithteksaddles"] = "Category:Creatures with tek saddles",
["cat:creatureswithplatformsaddles"] = "Category:Creatures with platform saddles",
["cat:creaturesthatcanwearhats"] = "Category:Creatures that can wear hats",
["mobileonly"] = "[[ARK: Survival Evolved Mobile|Mobile]] only",
["cat:nosaddlerequirementcreatures"] = "Category:Creatures that can be ridden without saddles",
["nosaddleneeded"] = "No Saddle Needed",
["cat:creaturespreferingkibbletype"] = "Category:Creatures that prefer $1 kibbles",

Aktualna wersja na dzień 01:50, 16 sie 2019

return {
    ["type"]                             = "Rodzaj",
    ["item"]                             = "Przedmiot",
    ["items"]                            = "Przedmioty",
    ["weapon"]                           = "Broń",
    ["weapons"]                          = "Broń",
    ["stacksizecomment"]                 = "Rozmiary stosów mogą być zmienione w konfiguracji.",
    ["stacksize"]                        = "Rozmiar stosu",
    ["weight"]                           = "Waga",
    ["durability"]                       = "Wytrzymałość",
    ["durabilityperuse"]                 = "Wytrzymałość na użycie",
    ["singleuse"]                        = "Jedno użycie",
    ["food"]                             = "Jedzenie",
    ["water"]                            = "Woda",
    ["health"]                           = "Zdrowie",
    ["stamina"]                          = "Energia",
    ["torpidity"]                        = "Apatia",
    ["eggsize"]                          = "Rozmiar jaja",
    ["kibbletype"]                       = "Rodzaj karmy",
    ["spoilsin"]                         = "Pleśnieje w",
    ["spoilsto"]                         = "Wynik pleśnienia",
    ["decomposesin"]                     = "Rozkłada się przez",
    ["addedin"]                          = "Od wersji",
    ["itemids"]                          = "Identyfikatory przedmiotów",
    ["spawncommand"]                     = "Komenda spawnująca",
    ["or"]                               = "lub",
    ["variant"]                          = "Wariant",
    ["unlocktekgram"]                    = "Odblokuj [[Tekgram]]",
    ["entityinformation"]                = "Informacje o istocie",
    ["releasedate"]                      = "Data wydania",
    ["supportedby"]                      = "Supported by",
    ["foundinsupplycrate"]               = "Obecne w [[Zrzuty|Zrzutach]]",
    ["beacon-white"]                     = "Biały",
    ["beacon-green"]                     = "Zielony",
    ["beacon-blue"]                      = "Niebieski",
    ["beacon-purple"]                    = "Fioletowy",
    ["beacon-yellow"]                    = "Żółty",
    ["beacon-red"]                       = "Czerwony",
    ["cat:foundinbeacon-white"]          = "Kategoria:W białych zrzutach",
    ["cat:foundinbeacon-green"]          = "Kategoria:W zielonych zrzutach",
    ["cat:foundinbeacon-blue"]           = "Kategoria:W niebieskich zrzutach",
    ["cat:foundinbeacon-purple"]         = "Kategoria:W fioletowych zrzutach",
    ["cat:foundinbeacon-yellow"]         = "Kategoria:W żółtych zrzutach",
    ["cat:foundinbeacon-red"]            = "Kategoria:W czerwonych zrzutach",

    -- Weapons
    ["ammofor"]                          = "Ammo for",
    ["ammoused"]                         = "Ammo used",
    ["meleedamage"]                      = "Melee damage",
    ["rangeddamage"]                     = "Ranged damage",
    ["explosivedamage"]                  = "Explosive damage",
    ["basedamagenote"]                   = "This is the base damage, but due to the way damage is calculated, not everything will receive this exact amount.",
    ["rateoffire"] = "Rate of fire",
    ["rateoffire-short"] = "RPS",
    ["rateoffire-wikipedia"] = "wikipedia:Rate of fire",
    ["magazinesize"] = "Magazine size",
    ["reloadtime"] = "Reload time",
    ["damagepersecond-wikipedia"] = "wikipedia:Damage_per_second",
    ["damagepersecond-short"] = "DPS",
    ["second"] = "second",
    ["seconds"] = "seconds",

    -- Consumables
    ["consumables"]                      = "Jadalne",
    ["consumable"]                       = "Przedmiot jadalny",
    ["valuesgivenforhumans"]             = "wartości dla ludzi",
    ["cookingtime"]                      = "Czas gotowania",
    ["cookedin"]                         = "Gotowane w",
    ["cat:consumables"]	                 = "Kategoria:Jadalne",
    ["cat:"]                             = "Kategoria:",
    ["cat:eggsize"]                      = "Kategoria:$1 jaja",
    ["eggsize-pagename"]                 = "Jajo $1",

    -- Creatures
    ["creatures"]                        = "Creatures",
    ["creature"]                         = "Creature",
    ["subject"]                          = "Subject",
    ["dossiers"]                         = "Dossiers",
    ["dossier"]                          = "Dossier",
    ["manuals"]                          = "Manuals",
    ["technicalmanual"]                  = "Technical Manual",
    ["fieldmanual"]                      = "Field Manual",
    ["commonname"]                       = "Common Name",
    ["groups"]                           = "Groups",
    ["group"]                            = "Group",
    ["sex"]                              = "Sex",
    ["species"]                          = "Species",
    ["modelnumber"]                      = "Model Number",
    ["dimensions"]                       = "Dimensions",
    ["fuel"]                             = "Fuel",
    ["threatlevel"]                      = "Threat Level",
    ["primaryfunction"]                  = "Primary Function",
    ["timeperiod"]                       = "Time Period",
    ["diet"]                             = "Diet",
    ["temperament"]                      = "Temperament",
    ["docile"]                           = "Docile",
    ["cowardly"]                         = "Cowardly",
    ["curious"]                          = "Curious",
    ["loyal"]                            = "Loyal",
    ["evasive"]                          = "Evasive",
    ["evasiveaggressiveattacked"]        = "Evasive, Aggressive when attacked",
    ["opportunistic"]                    = "Opportunistic",
    ["aggressive"]                       = "Aggressive",
    ["highlyaggressive"]                 = "Highly Aggressive",
    ["patchnotes"]                       = "Patch Notes",
    ["notyetreleased"]                   = "Not Yet Released",
    ["releaseversions"]                  = "Release Versions",
    ["cat:unavailableon-pc"]             = "Category:Unavailable on PC",
    ["cat:unavailableon-xbox"]           = "Category:Unavailable on Xbox",
    ["cat:unavailableon-ps4"]            = "Category:Unavailable on PS4",
    ["cat:unavailableon-mobile"]         = "Category:Unavailable on Mobile",
    ["cat:unavailableon-switch"]         = "Category:Unavailable on Switch",
    ["cat:upcomingcreatures"]            = "Category:Upcoming Creatures",
    ["cat:creaturereleasedin-version"]   = "Category:Creatures released in v$1",
    ["cat:creaturereleasedin-year"]      = "Category:Creatures released in v$1",
    ["dlc"]                              = "DLC",
    ["events"]                           = "Events",
    ["variants"]                         = "Variants",
    ["variant"]                          = "Variant $1",
    ["creatureids"]                      = "Identyfikatory stworzeń",
    ["taming"]                           = "Taming",
    ["domestication"]                    = "Domestication",
    ["tameable"]                         = "Tameable",
    ["rideable"]                         = "Rideable",
    ["breedable"]                        = "Breedable",
    ["tameablecheatnote"]                = "Untamable creatures can still be tamed by using cheats",
    ["yes"]                              = "Yes",
    ["no"]                               = "No",
    ["unknown"]                          = "Unknown",
    ["torporimmune"]                     = "Torpor Immune",
    ["tamingmethod"]                     = "[[Taming]] Method",
    ["knockout"]                         = "Knockout",
    ["tranquilizertaming"]               = "Tranquilizer Taming",
    ["passivetaming"]                    = "Passive",
    ["nonviolenttaming"]                 = "Non-Violent Taming",
    ["levelrequirement"]                 = "[[Level]] Requirement",
    ["level-n"]                          = "[[Level]] $1",
    ["preferredkibble"]                  = "Preferred [[Kibble]]",
    ["preferredfood"]                    = "Preferred Food",
    ["equipment"]                        = "Equipment",
    ["habitat"]                          = "Habitat",
    ["spawnsduringevent"]                = "Spawns only during an [[Event]].",
    ["livesincaves"]                     = "Lives in [[Caves]].",
    ["spawnedatobelisks"]                = "Can be summoned at the [[Obelisk|Obelisks]].",
    ["cat:creatures"]                    = "Category:Creatures",
    ["breedinginterval"]                 = "Breeding Interval",
    ["totalmaturationtime"]              = "Total Maturation Time",
    ["adolescenttime"]                   = "Adolescent Time",
    ["juveniletime"]                     = "Juvenile Time",
    ["babytime"]                         = "Baby Time",
    ["dragweight"]                       = "Drag Weight",
    ["eggarticlename"]                   = "Dinosaur Egg",
    ["egg"]                              = "Egg",
    ["incubationrange"]                  = "[[Incubation]] Range",
    ["gestationtime"]                    = "[[Breeding#Pregnancy|Gestation]] Time",
    ["incubationtime"]                   = "[[Breeding#Incubation|Incubation]] Time",
    ["cat:incubation"]                   = "Category:Incubation",
    ["cat:gestation"]                    = "Category:Gestation",
    ["reproduction"]                     = "Reproduction",
    ["breeding"]                         = "Breeding",
    ["cat:creatureslayingeggs"]          = "Category:Creatures that lay eggs",
    ["cat:tameablecreatures"]            = "Category:Tameable creatures",
    ["cat:untameablecreatures"]          = "Category:Untameable creatures",
    ["cat:rideablecreatures"]            = "Category:Rideable creatures",
    ["cat:rideableswimmingcreatures"]    = "Category:Rideable swimming creatures",
    ["cat:rideableflyingcreatures"]      = "Category:Rideable flying creatures",
    ["cat:breedablecreatures"]           = "Category:Breedable creatures",
    ["cat:unbreedablecreatures"]         = "Category:Unbreedable creatures",
    ["cat:creaturescarryablebyhumans"]   = "Category:Creatures that can be carried by humans",
    ["humanscancarry"]                   = "Humans Can Carry",
    ["uniqueskins"]                      = "Unique [[:Category:Skins|Skins]]",
    ["riderweaponry"]                    = "Rider Weaponry",
    ["cat:riderweaponry"]                = "Category:Creatures that can be ridden while wielding weapons",
    ["cat:creaturescarryablebyhumans"]   = "Category:Creatures that can be carried by humans",
    ["cat:shouldermountedcreatures"]     = "Category:Creatures that can be shoulder-mounted",
    ["shouldermounted"]                  = "Shoulder-Mounted",
    ["data"]                             = "Data",
    ["xpforkill"]                        = "XP For Kill",
    ["experience"]                       = "Experience",
    ["xp"]                               = "XP",
    ["drops"]                            = "Drops",
    ["fecessize"]                        = "[[Feces]] Size",
    ["radiationimmune"]                  = "Radiation Immune",
    ["cat:radiationimmunecreatures"]     = "Category:Creatures that are immune to radiation",
    ["xpforkillnote"]                    = "Base experience given when hitting the final blow on a level 1 creature while on foot.",
    ["speciallootchance"]                = "Special Loot Chance",
    ["speciallootchancenote"]            = "Chance to have items within its inventory when killed. This can be a simple trophy or valuable gear depending on the creature.",
    ["immobilizedby"]                    = "Immobilized By",
    ["listofcreaturesimmobilizedbytraps"] = "List of Creatures Immobilized by Traps",
    ["carryableby"]                      = "Carryable By",
    ["listofcarryablecreatures"]         = "List of Carryable Creatures",
    ["candamage"]                        = "Can Damage",
    ["listofcreaturesthatcandamagestructures"] = "List of Creatures That Can Damage Structures",
    ["cat:torporimmunecreatures"]        = "Category:Creatures that are immune to torpor",
    ["cat:creatureswithteksaddles"]      = "Category:Creatures with tek saddles",
    ["cat:creatureswithplatformsaddles"] = "Category:Creatures with platform saddles",
    ["cat:creaturesthatcanwearhats"]     = "Category:Creatures that can wear hats",
    ["mobileonly"]                       = "[[ARK: Survival Evolved Mobile|Mobile]] only",
    ["cat:nosaddlerequirementcreatures"] = "Category:Creatures that can be ridden without saddles",
    ["nosaddleneeded"]                   = "No Saddle Needed",
    ["cat:creaturespreferingkibbletype"] = "Category:Creatures that prefer $1 kibbles",